Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 07:00:58 -0700 From: Duncan Smith To: Subject: Kryptic Krossword Kontest Answers Kongratulations to all who participated in the kryptic krossword kontest. There were over thirty entries, but only a handful managed to "krack the kase", so to speak. Figuring this type of krossword takes some practice, and I especially applaud those of who you speak English as a second language for taking this on! FYI , here are the korrect answers (with a brief explanation of the klues). In most kases --in keeping with kryptic konvention-- there are two hints per klue --hence, the + sign.... ACROSS 3 YO-YO (plaything + translation of pronoun "I" in Spanish x 2) 4. MICK ( derogatory term for an Irishman + Mr. Avory's first name) 8. HEADMASTER (school principal + synonyms for "HEAD" (brain) and "MASTER" (expert) ) 11. PETER (nothing to do with fish!!) (Peter= rock in Christian liturgy + Mr. Quaife's first name) 12. MISFITS (defining example of word, with incidental reference to "Low Budget" lyrics) 15. TIRED OF WAITING ( secondary meanings: TIRED as "fed-up" and WAITING as" attending" or serving) 16. LONDON ( England's capital city + Jack London, famous writer) 17. RAYMOND (Kinks vocalist + hidden clue: ... appears: hurRAY, MONDay!) DOWN 1. LOLA ( synonyms for behold: LO and the word "the" in French/: LA + name of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards' offspring * 2. VICTORIA (synonyms: the former queen was a "royal" / name of a tube and train station in London) 5. CRICKET ( name of sport + reference to Charles Dickens work, "A Cricket on the Hearth" 6. PHOBIA (fear literally is in the song's title) 7. SUPERMAN (not a hero OF Nietzsche's, but created BY him: the "Ubermensch" , usually translated in English as superman + superhero of the same name) 9. DAVE (guitarist + hidden clue: MaD AVE Bar.) 10. AFTERNOON TEA (afternoon= a time, tea = a drink + two words together =a light meal) 11. FANCY (two meanings: 1) intricate, elaborate + 2) an idea, imagination, a notion) 14. DAYS ( homonym: a daze (hence "a muddle") + a time) * For some reason, I originally thought Madonna had a child named "Lola"; but she actually turned out to be "Lourdes"; so I had to scramble at the last moment and Google "celebrity child Lola" tin i order to o find another famous person's child with that name I will publish the names of the first prize and konsolation winners as soon as I have made contact with them. Thanks for participating! Duncan