From Mon Oct 2 13:06:19 2000 Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:47:36 +0200 From: Carlos Garcia de la Vega To: Subject: GLKPSA plus Kwirky Hello all, I have received the third phase of the Kinks Kover project (GLKPSA plus Kwirky). Indeed, this is the best produced and recorded (well, years pass and technology improves). Some of you have said it before, but let me say it again: anyone out there who really like The Kinks' music should get a copy of these CDs. As was the case with the other two projects there are songs here that are far superior to some of the covers done by professional artists. So thanks to all the contributors, congratulations for your performances and, most of all, a big big thank you to Olga, Geoff and Geoff who have carried out a very careful labour of love in the production of these records. Regards Carlos