From Tue Oct 10 10:49:04 2000 Date: 4 Oct 00 19:09:30 EDT From: Ellen J.Botelho To: Subject: Geoff L. and royalty...what a prince! :-) Geoff, Geoff and Olga did a really fine job with the two CD's, even if two people didn't make their royalties...maybe next time! As I told Geoff L. yesterday, I especially liked the Spivs' version of "Alcohol." You know, I'd really like to have seen a VIDEO of that recording session! There was something reminiscent of Monty Python in that rendition, it was just so BRITISH! For my Columbus Day weekend celebration, I am taking my two new CD's to Maine with me, will sit in my parents' "Front Room," with my brothers and sister, have a few drinks and enjoy all the hard work and good times that went into those songs. Well done, everyone! In the words of my daughter, they were, "splendifferous!" (like, way cool, Mom!) God Bless. Ellen