From Tue Oct 10 10:49:29 2000 Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 22:29:39 +0100 From: Geoff Murrell To: Neil Ottenstein Five favourites from GLKPSA?.......Very difficult I think I would have to go for: Hardway - I loved the original and this kover really rocks. Bigsky Picture Book Twentieth Century Man King Kong - Another great rocker to finish. .......but honestly, there are so many great efforts my choice would be different tomorrow. While we were compiling the tracks for inclusion, it very soon became apparent that we had a fabulous collection of songs of such high quality that we were truly gogsmacked, and became increasingly excited about the project. We decided that nothing should be excluded (how could we?), hence our decision to pull our own tracks from the album and issue the bonus Kwirky CD. I hope you will agree that the resulting 135 minutes of Kinks music is not only great value at $10, but, more importantly, great value musically. Geoff...M