From Tue Oct 10 10:50:38 2000 Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 17:50:46 -0500 From: Patrick Costello Naperville To: 'KPS Digest' Subject: To John & Geoff about GLKPSA Thanks for the kind words on my "King Kong" Kover! John- You thought I sounded THAT much like the Kinks??? WOW! Nice compliment! THANK YOU!!! Really, I changed the arrangement quite a bit, particularly the rhythm guitar part. I will admit that I was doing my best Dave voice for the harmony. I thought John Caviano's "Big Sky" (definitely a fave of mine!) edged mine out for truest to the original. Geoff- Your faves are similar to mine, including the depending on the day part. Great minds drink alike!!! Thanks again! Patrick