Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 22:29:37 -0500 From: Paul Kuettel Subject: Kovers 3 Comments Hi All! I received my 2 CDs a few weeks ago. What a BARGAIN! IMHO, the production values and performances are top notch. Each Kovers Kollection gets better and better. I prefer the unique interpretations to the tracks that are true to the original. But this isn't my review... It takes about 78 minutes to drive to my dad's lake cabin, so I piled the kids into the Scorpio and loaded up Kovers 3. The test subjects were Alex (12) Drew (10) and Catie (7). Thanks to dad, they are all quite familiar with the body of Kinks work. I played the CD without comment and waited for them to react. Here are some of the results. Didn't get past "Hard Way" before Drew observed, "This isn't the Kinks." Alex: "What is it?" Catie: "Yeah!" Ok, kids, it's Kinks fans just like me, only they can carry a tune. Without going overly long, the cuts that elicited the most reaction were Ayrton's ("God, DAD! Turn it off! What IS this?) Sorry amigo, I think your cuts are among the most entertaining on the disc :-) The one they wanted repeated over and over? Can you guess? If not, you don't know kids or you don't have the CD (get off your duff!) Answer: "Polly" A week later, the kiddies still sing "Pretty Polly" to each other. Even the 12-year old (of course, Alex and Drew think it's silly, but Catie LOVES it!) That's it for now. The 2nd CD needs more listening -- I keep thinking of Lou Reed's "Berlin" or Lisa Minelli's "Caberet" or even "Drei Groschen Opfer" -- quess it's Olga's smokey voice, I dunno. CD 1 is easier to digest, in any case. But for $10 shipped? No Kinks fan should be without Kovers 3! Cheers! PK Flyoverland, MN