From Tue Oct 10 10:49:46 2000 Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 10:29:30 +1100 From: Phil Richards To: Neil Ottenstein First and foremost, I'd like to belatedly join everyone else in heartily congratulating Olga and the Geoves on a fantastic job so expertly and professionaly performed. I can think of a lot of people who get paid a lot of money for providing customer service far less efficiently and more begrudgingly than we have experienced from the Spivs in the last few months. I especially admire Olga's ability and willingness to keep everybody in touch with every single detail of what's happening and to follow up problems and to do this while on The Road for much of the time as well. It was fantastic for us in Australia to get our CDs even before we'd paid for them and although one of mine was damaged in transit, it was quickly replaced with absolutely no fuss or problem whatsoever. Thanks so much, Olga, for this as well as providing us with some wonderfully enthusiastic reports of your experiences at the Ray and Dave shows. As others have said, it's clear from the presentation of the CDs that a lot of thought and work has happened behind the scenes to produce the GLKPSA/Kwirky set. Thanks to Geoff Murrell and Geoff Lewis for both your inspiration and your perspiration. And of course to all the Kontributors as well. I find it difficult to pick out highlights because everyone has done such a fantastic job. If I was to state my preference I would have to go for Kwirky as a set but this might be because, on the whole, it is performed by the same people and therefore has a more consistent feel to it. I can also relate to the Englishness of it - its sense of humour and, well....kwirkiness, I even love the fact that Genevieve is still resisting the temptation to reveal the linguistic origins of her surname! Needless to say, I don't think any self-respecting KPSer should be without their copies. Phil Richards