From Mon Oct 2 13:03:23 2000 Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:33:01 -0400 (EDT) From: susan demaio To: Subject: GLKPSA and Kwirky I must've been among the first to have gotten my cds, but I have been remiss in not sending a note of thanks and enthusiasm for the set. Olga and the Geoffs have done a wonderful job...the whole package looks and sounds very professional. All the contributors have done a terrific job as well. It's funny, but I kept my mouth shut to listen to the covers (usually I sing along very LOUDLY). I realized that because your work has given me an opportunity to really listen with "new ears," I have a new appreciation for the songs. I enjoyed everything, but I especially liked those that took a really novel approach to a song. Thanks and praise to everyone associated with this project. And for those of you who haven't ponied up your $10 or whatever, I urge you to do so. You won't be disappointed! Love, Susan