Chords for "Fancy"
Date: 07 Jun 96 16:42:33 EDT From: IAN GRANT Fancy Written by: R. Davies D C G Fancy, if you believe in what I believe in, D C D G C D Then we'll be the same, always. D C Fancy, just look around thee D C D C D G F D If you will fancy all the girls you see, always. C D C G Oo oo oo oo oo ooo D C G My love is like a ruby that no one can see, G C D G C D Only my fancy, always. C D C G Oo oo oo oo oo ooo D C No one can penetrate me, G C D C D G C D They only see what's in their own fancy, always. From: Face to Face
Date: Dec. 18, 2007 From: Marco Tune the first bass chord on D - sounds better !
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