Chords for "Just Can't Go To Sleep"
Date: March 27, 1997 12:13 AM From: cory gavito Chords for: Just Can't Go To Sleep Words & Music by: Ray Davies INTRO: D7 G D7 G D7 G C D7 Every night I just can't go to sleep Every night I have to count sheep. G7 (harmony sings the 7th) Em A7 D7 Every night I just can't go to sleep without you, without you. G C D7 Every night I feel so lonely Longing for you one and only. G7 Em A7 D7 Every night I just can't go to sleep without you, without you. G Em G No, no, no no, no, yeah I just can't go to sleep now (no no no no no) Em G Em A7 D7 Yeah I just can't go to sleep yeah without you, without you. (no no no no no) G Just can't go to sleep, to sleep. BRIDGE: F C Every day you look my way and I want to hold you. Bb D7 But when nighttime comes, you're not around for me to love. VERSE: G C D7 Every night I just can't go to sleep Every night I have to count sheep. G7 Em A7 D7 Every night i just can't go to sleep without you, without you. G Em G Em (fade) No, no, no no, no, yeah I just can't go to sleep now. oh I just... (no no no no no) note: for all you guitar freaks, on the bridge, Dave is approaching the C, Bb and D major chords with a 2nd leading up to the third, or what is commonly called a "retardation". For example in the Bb chord, omit the 3rd (D) and add the 2nd (C). On the second half of the beat "scoop up" to the 3rd (D) or a fully major Bb chord. I bar the Bb, and leave the b string open and then play the full chord. On D chord it is really easy; strum D chord with an open e string, then hit the f# on the 2nd fret. transcribed by cory gavito.
E-mail Dave Emlen