Chords for "Massive Reductions"

Date: June 14, 2000 2:24 AM
From: Lori & Patrick

"Massive Reductions"  ('Word of Mouth' album version)

Hi!  Let's get right to it, simple chords first.  I've separated phrases
with periods.  One period is a rest.  Many periods mean to hang onto the
chord a while.  Have the CD handy for reference.

Intro riff:  G...C C.   F...G G.   G...C C.   F  F  F  (repeat)

G...........................F................G   G...C C.   F...G G.
I've been sacrificed in the name of the company

G............................F............G   G...C C.   F...G G.
I've been victimized for the sake of economy

        F   C.       F   C.    F F      C         G      D........
I had a big house, a big car, expense account and credit cards

But now look what they've done to me

They're making massive reductions

It's all mass production and assembly lines

They're making massive reductions

F.........C....D....C....D G

That should get you through the basics but as these parts repeat, they
have subtle differences so listen closely to the CD.  If you listen to
the left channel only, you can hear Dave's guitar more clearly.  Now
here's the good stuff.....

Here's how I've diagrammed the chords.  Each group of six numbers
indicate what fret to play on each string, kind of like a tab but it's
laid out left-to-right like a standard, square-looking chord diagram.
"0" means an open string; "x" means to mute that string.  For example, a
regular open E chord would look like this:

[E]    0   2   2   1   0   0

Got it?  Good.  Now plug the info from the following notes into what I
showed you above and you can play it authentically.


The first chord is a G barred at the 10th fret:
[G]    x  10  12  12  12   x

As soon as you play it, slide it quickly down the neck for that BAM! at
the beginning.

Here are the authentic chords for the intro riff:
[G]    x   x  12  12  12   x

[C]    x   x  14  12  13   x

[F]    x   8  10  10  10   x

[G]    x  10  12  12  12   x

These chords repeat several times throughout the song, including during
the guitar solo.

The long G in the verses looks like this:
[G]    3   x   0   0   3   3     Dave uses this chord a lot!

Then, instead of the long F he plays these descending lines (or
variations of them) that follow Ray's vocal with a half-step bend near
the end:

  ---------------------(3)\ 2----0-----

            - - -OR- - -

 B--------------------(6)\ 5----3------

The "big house, big car" part sounds different from verse to verse.
Listen to the CD to judge when to play each way.  One way uses chords
like the intro riff:
[F]    x   x   7   5   6   x

[C]    x   x   5   5   5   x

[G]    x   x   9   7   8   x

[D]    x   x   7   7   7   x

The other uses Dave's trademark "power chords":
[F]    x   8  10  10  10   x

[C]    8  10  10   x   x   x

[G]    x  10  12  12  12   x

[D]   10  12  12   x   x   x

The long G in the chorus is different from the verse and is played
partially muted by the heel of your pick hand:
[G]    3   5   5   x   x   x

If you listen carefully you will hear Dave subtly interjecting the C and
F from "big house" and the F and G from the intro to dance with Ian's
synth part while Jim pounds a steady G on bass.

Other fills Dave plays in the chorus are:



There's a descending line at the end of the chorus where "F..C..D..C..D
G" appears above:


Dave plays in a Gm pentatonic scale.  The first two notes are on the
10th and 12th fret of the G string.  You don't expect me to do ALL the
work, do you???  Besides, be an individual and improvise for yourself!

This is a variation on the descending part from the chorus:



Dave's sound on this song can be approximated by a Telecaster (set
volume pot about 7; tone at 10; bridge pickup) plugged into a trebly amp
with a healthy amount of overdrive and chorus with a touch of reverb.
E-mail Dave Emlen